
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sailing at high elevation!

Grand Lake, Colorado

Check out the Yacht Club's interesting history

About 35 years ago, I learned to sail on Grand Lake. I pretty much had forgotten all about it until we moved to South Florida, and I met many people who call sailing their passion or past time. {image}

I chuckled at the remembrance of the day I was to take the test to pass the basic sailing course although it wasn't funny at the time. The wind was fierce, harder than it had been any day we had taken lessons. Imagine water that is deep, dark and cold, and wind beyond my abilities...but our instructor said we couldn't reschedule, so...

I sat on the beach, readying my craft, watching my brother sail his boat around the course. In a torrent of wind, he capsized!

OK! Not happy! That was my brother out there and I was kind of freaking out.

He manage to get her up, get in and complete the course. He was safe although a little rattled.

I, however, was DONE!!

See, the day we learned how to get our boats up from being capsized...I couldn't. I tried and tried. I was just too little and that darn boat was too big. So there was nothing in the world that was going to get me out there on that day.

So I bailed {pun intended} and hadn't been on another sailboat until our visit in the Spring. {That was pure delight.}

So, do you sail? Do you know the verbiage? Check out this Lingo test and see how you do! (It's good for a chuckle.)

Until next time, Eli


  1. Hi - thanks for stopping by via HH's blog of the month- I'm so glad I visited you because your pix of Grand Lake bring back so many good memories. I love that place. Talk about idyllic, I mean really - beautiful lake ringed by those gorgeous, majestic mountains. I grew up vacationing in the west and every time I visit Colorado, I feel that I've reconnected with a piece of my heart that stayed there. I YEARN to go back there. How in the world are you adjusting to Florida? Well, I guess I'll have to check out your blog in more depth to find out!

  2. Eli - Thanks for visiting my blog via HH UK. I'm your newest follower. I went from below sea level (New Orleans) to 7500 ft (Santa Fe) so we're the opposite extremes. Looking forward to reading about your adventures adjusting. Hope the humidity isn't too much!


I'm so delighted you came to comment. Thanks!