
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene's Gift


I really have so much to learn about the ocean, its beauty and its power. For several days here in Palm Beach, we watched as weather forecasters anticipated Hurricane Irene would be a nasty visitor here. Slowly, however, those same weather Joe's discovered her true path would be farther north. Check out the National Hurricane Center for current news of Tropical disturbances.

I asked a number of locals about their ideas of what this storm would bring here, and several said that the waves would be huge and the surfers would respond.
See the layers...impressive.

I had to see for myself just what it was like: to watch, to listen and to stand in awe of Mother Nature's "gift".
I chatted with a young man named Arturo, and I asked him, "As a surfer, how do you know when it's time to get up on your board?"

He responded, "There is a fine line between getting up and disaster. It's so quick and you have to lean in to the wave."

Ryan, a confident surfer, found that fine line in these shots.

Anyone out there today must be confident in their abilities and hopefully they have a buddy to watch out for them. Just getting beyond the break looks brutal to this mountain mom.

Until next time, Eli

{all images in this post were photographed by moi!}


  1. great pics Eli. Especially LOVE the 3rd one. That one needs to be framed and displayed on a wall all by itself :)

  2. Wowza, girlfriend!!! AMAZNG pix!!! When my brother got married in San Diego in September 1997, Hurricane Nora had just hit somewhere off the Cali coast (it's been too many years ago to remember the details). We stopped on the way to the airport at the beach at Coronado ... the waves were GINORMOUS!!! So awe-inspiring and beautiful .... and scary all rolled into one!! Miss you, friend!

  3. Wow, great pics...thanks for sharing!

  4. Great photos! Looks like you dodged the big one. I have friends in New England that are just getting their power back on. Thank you for joining Post Of The Month - I hope September is a great month for you, my dear :) XOL


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