
Friday, April 19, 2013

Life in the Fast Lane...or is that the slow lane?

Driving in Southeast Florida is always a "treat." And by treat I mean something unexpected and fun, right? OK, maybe it is not always a treat. But after living here for nearly 2 years there are some traffic norms I have come to expect, even if I don't love them.

Slow Lane/Fast Lane
On most Highways, the slower traffic keeps right while speedier drivers enjoy a little freedom with the left hand lanes. Not so in South Florida. There seems to be some code, although I have not quite cracked it yet but everyone knows the fast lane is on the right. Maybe not the far right because that could end up being an exit lane but the next lane is it. So if you want to move it down the highway, don't bother with the far left lane. You'll get stuck behind some grandpa going 55 in the 65 in which most want to go 75...Did I say that out loud?

Pick a Lane
When turning at an intersection on Palm Beach, turning into any lane is quite acceptable. For example, I'm on a four lane road, let's say South Ocean, going south. I'm in the right lane turning right onto Royal Palm Way. It's clear. I turn into the center lane instead of turning into the right lane. What if someone coming north was trying to turn into that lane??? Well, turns out they wait 'cause they know I'm going to just pick any lane I want. CRAZY!!

U-turns are Not a Federal Offense
Florida is a great place for U-turns. Unlike Colorado where U-turns can get you into big trouble. Here, you can make them almost anywhere. I guess if we gave tickets to all the lost folks, we might not have such a great image with the tourists and retired individuals gawking at the ocean and scantily clad beach goers. So while the police ignore it, you MUST watch out while others do it.
Life is distracting to drivers here, I understand.
So, while you are out there on the road, be careful and learn from this Colorado turned Florida girl, u-turns are your friend.


  1. Perhaps it is due to all the tourists from around the world with all different road rules? Fun post :)XO

  2. I think you must be right...I know you've had your share of driving issues to learn about. :-)

  3. When we moved here from Virginia the U-turns were my favorite driving pleasure! I can count on one hand the places I go where there is a No U-turn sign.


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