
Saturday, February 4, 2012

On Transitions

I'm not talking those cool eyeglasses
that turn darker to meet the
sunshine-in-your-eyes needs...

Nope, I'm talking moving, 
making new friends, 
worshiping in a new church,
starting at a new school,
finding a job, 
buying a car,
getting the dog settled...

...are you tired yet? I am. 
Sure we are doing it in 
paradise but it is still exhausting.

Moving from Colorado was only cross-country but sometimes it feels like a foreign country. Let me show you what I mean:

·         People dress differently. "Palm Beach Casual" is not like any casual I've ever experienced but I'm figuring it out.
Cropped pants and tunics.  Perfect. 
Add some pink and green and you are really on it.
Check out that cutie on the right.
·         It's expensive to eat, shop and entertain, yourself or others. 
·     You can walk almost anywhere. (Not that people actually do it here, but you can.)
·         The language is a bit different. Raise your hand if you know what these are: Jack Rogers, feeder bands, clutch, spaghetti model.
Raise the other one if you know the difference between Sequin and Sprinkles.

I borrowed a little quote from a blogger (found here) who recently moved from the US to the UK. Do you think these phases are accurate?
Honeymoon Phase – “Everything is new and interesting.”
Rejection Phase – “Everything is new and sucks.”
Regression Phase – “Everything back home was wonderful & much better than this.”
Recovery Phase - “Everything is going to be okay and I am content.”
{It sounds very similar to stages of grief...}
I don't think I could say I'm in one specific phase but each day brings adventures and a variety of feelings. Most days I lounge around in "Recovery" but occasionally I need to visit one of the previous phases.
Isn't that just the way life is...

See you soon, Eli


  1. Oh, I SO need to come visit!!!!

  2. Love this blog! Transitions is a word I need to dwell on today. I'm having a Phase 2 day for sure!! Thanks for encouraging!!

    1. Selena,
      Sorry you're having one of those days. Just remember that Stage 4 is always just around the corner. Thanks for visiting and hang in there.


I'm so delighted you came to comment. Thanks!