
Monday, August 1, 2011

Turtle Tracks

I try to take walks on the beach a couple of mornings a week and I always have my eyes open for interesting sites...something I haven't seen before...or simply something different from the last time.

This week, I saw delightful little paths like this:

At first, I could not identify them. I described the tracks to a long-time resident and he let me know they were baby sea turtles. He asked me if I had seen any large ones...not yet.

I have to admit, I thought Sea Turtles were creatures of South America or exotic Islands in the Pacific. I didn't really know they lived and reproduced right here in Florida. But it didn't take long to figure out that I was wrong. In fact, did you know that "Nearly 90% of sea turtle nesting in the U.S. occurs in Florida." [source]

Yesterday...I saw the mama tracks...

This one, in fact, went to the wall of a beach-side house. Another mother must have been close by. {It's a little challenging to see but look closely, the tracks start in the bottom corners and move toward the center. The right-hand one is more visible.}
I wondered if these two moms laid their eggs there. How could I know? I mean, I didn't go up there and dig...(that's stupid and illegal: Harassment of sea turtles, an endangered or threatened species, or their nests, is a violation of State and Federal laws, punishable by a fine up to $100,000 and/or imprisonment. )...Well, guess what, there are folks who let us know where the nests might see something like this
You can see four stakes that are marking nests. It is my understanding (and again, this is an unprofessional, Colorado girl talking) that volunteers come out every few days to mark nests to let us all know to stay clear and let nature take its course.

Since I haven't actually seen any turtles yet, mamas or babies, I thought I'd leave you with this link: Tour de Turtles: Shelle the sea turtle is being tracked here, or squirt here So check them out to see where in the Ocean they are!!

Until next time, watch out for turtles...Eli

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