Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lake Trail and other things "You Can't Miss"

The question came nearly every day for the first couple of weeks here, "Have you been on the Lake Trail yet?" And the description about how amazing the Lake Trail is, how far it goes, what you'll see as you walk, run or roll down it came right after that.

"Not yet," I'd reply. "How can I get to it?"

Then a quick description of one of a number of ways would flow out, with a final..."You can't miss it!"

When the unpacking settled down, I was ready to give it a try. Not wanting to be unprepared, I first checked online. It took me 20 minutes and a number of different links to find what I thought I needed.

First, I checked out the Palm Beach Trail and Path Guide. It directs folks to park near the Publix on Island. OK, but I'm really not exactly sure where that is because it is currently under construction and I don't think it even has a sign and is under construction...

Then, I found a couple of other sites that directed me to the original site. Clearly that was the best reference.

I finally stumbled upon a site {I say stumbled because now I can't find it again.} that said the trail could be accessed from the back side of the Flagler Museum. Now I was getting somewhere.

Off I went, I found the Lake Trail access. I can't imagine how I ever missed it.

But a close up helps.
 Hooray! Off I went, zooming along {under the 10 mph speed limit, I'm sure}...until I ran out of trail
Time to give up and figure it out another day.

So far, my "you can't miss it" admonishments were "FAIL"...

Until next time, I leave you with this quote, Eli

"Part of the Palm Beach mystique is that there aren't any road signs directing people to the Island"~Palm Beach Trail and Path Guide

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