
Thursday, July 7, 2011

House. . . Warming

On June 8th,our family drove onto the island, the Island of Palm Beach, (The Best of Everything). We arrived for our new life, anticipating a grand adventure.

The journey that brought us to this idyllic land started six days earlier. The nearly 40-hour car trip transported a  mom, a dad, a girl, a dog, a guinea pig, three suitcases, and a variety of other bags and essentials. Along the way, we stayed in 4 hotels, a family member's house, consumed mass quantities of gas and plenty of snacks. We visited 7 family members and 11 old friends while traveling through 8 states. The trip was a lovely time of rest, after many stressful days of getting the family, house and car ready for moving. Ugh!

This "adventure" is not because we moved to this beautiful place with palm trees, beaches, elegant mansions, historic sites, ultimate shopping and more BUT because less than a week before, we lived nearly 2,000 miles away at 5,280 feet-- Denver, Colorado (The Mile High City) with views of the Rocky Mountains out the window. Hmmm, snow or sand?

Since I've spent time over the past few years as a "wannabe" photographer, crafter and writer, I pay attention to details wherever I go. My new environment is providing tons of interesting, comical and mesmerizing differences between these two eco-systems. So, I thought a blog was in order...

I hope my observations will draw readers attention to the beauty in their own climate but also open their eyes to the beauty of the other. Hopefully, it will amuse and entertain as well.

About the title: Well, our house is definitely warmer than it was in Denver but more importantly, we have been welcomed to the neighborhood and community very warmly...thanks to all for that!

In closing today, I need to give a big shout out to a friend who has inspired me for a couple of years...Laura, thanks. Please check out her blog Happy Homemaker UK


  1. i'm reading! but your photo links don't work.

  2. I'll see what I can do about the photo links. Thanks, Eli

  3. Ah.... this is no longer just a bad dream that you are gone.. its really true :(

    But, I'm thrilled that you are documenting your new life! Excited to follow along! Love and miss you!


I'm so delighted you came to comment. Thanks!